Nature Gallery



From a safe distance, we can see a violent storm as it moves along the crest of a mountain. One of the few images where I have introduced some randomness. Two version are shown.

Orchid Mathematicus

Orchid Mathematicus

Both the shape of the orchids and the patterns on the blossoms were created using mathematical techniques. The blossoms are in the shape of fractals and the patterns are mathematical noise functions. However, you can see that they still attract butterflies.



Phyllotaxis is a process used in nature to arrange the organs of a plant to its advantage. For example, the location of each seed in a sunflower maximizes its chances for survival. This process is closely related to the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean. In this image, the artist used this process to create the impression of fertility and growth.

Forest Fire

Forest Fire

The fiery colors represent the chaos that is generated when my software requires the computer to make repeated complex calculations of functions that depend on the previous calculations. The blue areas represent areas of natural stability of the functions involved.

Global Warming

Global Warming

Well, actually a fractal raised on a mathematical grid whose vertices are determined by the underlying colors of the fractal.

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